Core Values
Work ethic
We aspire to work to the best of our abilities in order to provide our clients with the best possible experience, technically and interpersonally.
Our primary focus while working on a project is that project itself… ”Wherever you are, be there.”
We view production as a team effort, and as such, we are all equals. Everyone has a specific role to fulfill, but respecting your fellow crew is a part of every role.
Honesty and integrity are of the utmost importance to us, and we will not cut corners or allow others to cut corners or break laws, especially in regard to health and safety.
We take full responsibility for our actions, including any miscommunication or other mistakes should they occur, and seek to remedy the situation in the best possible way.
We share knowledge and expertise amongst each other and the public so that we all grow, together.
Regard to Industry
Our pursuit to elevating the photo and motion industries in a collaborative way is a defining feature of Canopy Consortium.
We seek to create opportunities and provide access for community inclusion, educational development, and career growth to people who need and deserve it.
Fostering a community of like-minded individuals who adhere to the same principles will inspire others to use Canopy Consortium as a new model for our industries.